Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Could it be Schizophrenia??

So please forgive me if I'm being ignorant, because I don't know much about Schizophrenia. A lot of the times in my head, there is a voice, but it's not talking to another voice. It's talking to me, but not directly. I think that it's different then my train of thought though, because I don't actually hear my thoughts, but just kind of know them, if that makes any sense to you at all. So there is this voice in my head (that feels like my own) I can still feel thoughts). Sorry it's just really hard to explain. It just kinda keeps talking endlessy, and I think that it's me, but I don't know if it's normal or not. Different things influence it though, so say I just finish a movie that I really like, maybe it's about crazy people, I don't know, I'll sort of start acting as if I'm crazy. Or if the movie's characters are another way, it will be influenced by that. So I don't really trust myself because I don't really know what's "real" and not "real". I am also very forgetful. More symptoms2

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